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Almost 250,000 New Work Contracts Signed In Romania In May – Labor Min

Romanian acting Labor Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday that almost 250,000 new work contracts have been signed this month, bringing the total to more than the number of active contracts at the end of 2008, before the economic crisis.
Almost 250,000 New Work Contracts Signed In Romania In May – Labor Min

Boc also said the public sector was down to 1.251 million employees in late-April.

Last week, Boc said 228,820 new contracts had been signed in May and a record number of contracts would be reached in about ten days. He stated there were 6,275,307 registered work contracts, more than in December 2008, „before the crisis,” when there were 6,230,353.

The minister added that many of the contracts signed this month, since the new Labor Code took effect, are for people who used to work illicitly. Most new contracts were signed by employers and workers in the fields of construction (44,695), retail and wholesale (43,101), processing (42,000), tourism (16,000) and real estate (14,000).