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Romania’s Second Nuclear Pwr Plant To Have 1,000 MW, Seen Built Until ‘30

Romania’s second nuclear power plant will have 1,000 MW and will be built until 2030, ten years later than authorities' previous estimations, according to an appendix to the 2010 budget of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment.
Romania’s Second Nuclear Pwr Plant To Have 1,000 MW, Seen Built Until ‘30
29 dec. 2009, 11:37, English

The Romanian authorities are analyzing three possible locations for the second nuclear power plant, in the central part of the country, in Transylvania.

Romania’s existing nuclear power plant at Cernavoda has two 700-megawatt reactors, which provide around 18% of the country’s power needs. The authorities plan to build another two reactors at Cernavoda, which are scheduled to become operational by 2015-2016.