Allianz-Tiriac underwrote premiums worth 349.31 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2132), Omniasig – RON331.6 million and Asirom – RON205.4 million. They are followed by Astra – RON199.1 million and BCR Asigurări – RON162.94 million.
With RON131.2 million in revenue, Uniqa (the former Unita) comes sixth, followed by ING – RON130.2 million and Asiban – RON124.2 million.
Generali, with RON120.1 million is on ninth place, followed by Euroins – RON117.4 million, overtaking Ardaf.
According to CSA, the total worth of underwritten premiums on general and life insurance was RON2.419 billion at the end of the first quarter, 1.31% higher than in March 2008. Companies earned RON2.03 billion from general insurance, 3% more than in March 2008.
The top 3 companies on the Romanian market by revenue from general insurance are Omniasig – RON331.6 million, overtaking Allianz-Ţiriac, which earned RON323.8 million, and Astra – RON197.7 million.
The life insurance market shrunk by 6% in the first quarter to RON392.3 million. This segment is led by ING Asigurări de Viata – RON130.2 million, AIG Life – RON46.2 million and BCR Asigurari de Viata – RON35.2 million. The ranking was the same in December 2008.