Romanian Education Unions Displeased After Talks With Govt On Unitary Wage Law

Publicat: 01 09. 2009, 20:56
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:28

The leader of the Federation of Free Unions in Education (FSLI), Aurel Cornea, said at the end of the meeting, the wage law is wrong just like all the other laws adopted in Romania, adding that none of the problems presented by the education unionists was solved.

The unionists complained that the Executive has allegedly decided that the average sum of bonuses throughout the entire public sector would reach 30%, which means certain categories will be favored.

Cornea added the quotient hierarchy within issue raised by the unionists has remained unsolved, which leads to an incorrect correlation with the other segments.

In his turn, the executive president of the "Spiru Haret" Federation, Marius Nistor, said that the meeting held Tuesday was not a negotiation, and it was simply an informal meeting where they were informed that "a political decision has been reached".

Salaries in education will be located at the lower third of the pyramid.

"Spiru Haret" Federation president Gheorghe Isvoranu said salaries in education will not grow in 2010, nor in 2011, and education is “condemned to freeze”.

"Alma Mater" Federation leader Anton Hadar said he is extremely displeased with the meeting, since the unionists were “pushed around”.

He added the Executive has maintained its initial position, namely there will not be any bonuses granted for professors in higher education, not even for doctorate studies. In Hadar’s opinion, this decision “will destroy doctoral studies in Romania”.

Unionists in high school education too were displeased that the Government has decided to remove several bonuses.

Moreover, secretary of state within the Ministry of Finance Gheorghe Gherghina allegedly told them the bonuses that were considered by the Government for the public system were actually at 15%.

The unionists said in the days to come they will consult their colleagues and will soon issue a decision.

The Government intends to approve Wednesday the final form of the draft unitary wage law for the public system, and to promote the document through the assumption of responsibility.