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Romanian President Doesn’t Fully Agree With EC Remark Concerning Parliament

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Wednesday the European Commission’s report on Romania’s justice system is correct and shows both the progress the county made to render its judiciary system efficient and the problems that have not yet been solved and might affect the country’s credibility.
Romanian President Doesn’t Fully Agree With EC Remark Concerning Parliament

The head of state pointed out that the report shows the High Court of Justice, the High Council of Magistrates and the Parliament are „unconvincing institutions”.

The head of state added that the fact the Parliament rejected some immunity lifting or extended investigation requests led to the remark stated in the EC report.

Basescu said he does not fully agree with including the Parliament into the „unconvincing institutions” category, considering it supported the Government’s moves to reform the justice system. He highlighted that, without a parliament majority to support its measures, the Government wouldn’t have been able to implement the new laws on justice.

The president said that, alongside the Government, the National Anticorruption Department, the General Prosecutors’ Office, the Antifraud Department within the General Police Inspectorate and the National Integrity Agency are positively evaluated.