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President Voices Out Lofty Message For Romanian Air Force

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Romania’s Air Force is ready to successfully face up to any challenges brought forth by Romania’s membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union, stressing, however, that Romania must strengthen its air force at some point.
President Voices Out Lofty Message For Romanian Air Force
20 iul. 2009, 12:29, English

Basescu voiced out this message for the event celebrating the Romanian Air Force Day on July 20.
"Although Romania’s progresses throughout the years are more than obvious and can never be denied, I would like to highlight the stringent need for Romania’s Air Force to continue progresses diligently and professionally and constantly strive for improvements. Romania, as NATO and EU member state, will have to constantly update and strengthen its air force to be able to carry out new types of military operations and successfully face up to any future challenges targeting security, at both local and global level," Basescu said in his message. 
Furthermore, the head of state said he wishes to thank the military staff deployed in operation theaters abroad, "where the Romanian army is deployed and really does its job."
"Looking back in time, we can honestly say that Romania’s engineering and technical potential became outstanding mainly with the construction of the IAR-80 aircraft back in 1939, which was rated the world’s fourth largest hunting aircraft at that time and proved its outstanding technical features in air combats in World War II," Basescu concluded.