Romania Justice Min Upholds Message Of EC Justice Report To Reform Legal Sys

Publicat: 23 03. 2010, 13:27
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:50

The minister stressed, however, that although 2009 was a pretty harsh and complex year, both economically and politically, the country’s executive, legislative and judicial powers managed to take steps forward and rejoice achievements.

Predoiu has also underscored the message conveyed by the report, namely the need to have all political forces teaming up and acting together to modernize the country’s legal system.

Under these circumstances, Predoiu brought to light his ministry’s proposition launched in 2008 and resumed in 2009, as regards establishing a minimal joint agenda of all forces involved in the reformation of the legal system.

The minister highlighted this is the right way toward tackling the staff shortage the legal system is facing and getting ready to implement the country’s new Civil and Criminal Codes.

The European Commission said in its justice report released Tuesday that Romania has not managed to sustain the reform momentum it gained mid-2009 and the capacity of its judicial system has been affected by staff losses.