Colliers: 70% of Employees Want to Keep Working from Home

Seven in ten employees in Romania want to continue working mostly from home even after Romania emerges from the state of emergency and relaxes restrictions, a survey by Colliers International showed Monday.


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Colliers: 70% of Employees Want to Keep Working from Home

Of these, 60% think remote work would be helpful at least one or two days a week and 10% would prefer to work from home three or four days a week in the next period.

Office buildings managed by Colliers International remained operational throughout the state of emergency and activity is expected to resume gradually starting May 18.

A quarter of employees expect to return to the office in May but their activity would be resumed gradually depending on the development of the health crisis and further measures to be announced by authorities. Some companies are expected to keep remote work policies in place for longer, at least for employees with children, as schools are to remain closed until September.

“Social distancing could be maintained for a longer period, which may lead to a mix of office and remote work on a wider scale. Adaptability and quick action are key these days,” said Andrei Voica, Director Project Management and Workplace Consultancy, Office Advisory la Colliers International.

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