Colliers: Online Shopping Could Become More Widespread in the Future

Romanians have gained more confidence in online shopping amid restrictions imposed to limit the spread of Covid-19 and this behavior could become habitual for a larger chunk of the population in the future, said Laurenţiu Duica, Partner & Head of Industrial Agency at Colliers International.


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Colliers: Online Shopping Could Become More Widespread in the Future

“Online store infrastructure should therefore grow and so should warehouses,” he said.

Duica said producers could seek local solutions for raw materials to reduce dependence on imports from distant countries, including China.

Overall, effects on the Chinese logistics market are expected to reflect in rents. According to a survey by Colliers International that polled 700 companies among landlords, tenants and investors on the Chinese real estate market, 43% expect rents will drop due to a slowdown in logistical operations, reduced consumption of non-food items, delayed production and potential rent payment exemptions for tenants.

On the other hand, 40% of respondents expect the opposite would happen due to a boost in online shopping. Overall, 73% of respondents expect vacancy rate for logistical space will drop or remain the same as before the outbreak.


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