According to the report, for ecstasy the lowest starting age was 14, while the highest was 30.
As for the prevalence of illegal drug use during a lifetime, the most used drug is cannabis (1.5%), followed by ecstasy (0.4%), heroin (0.1%), hallucinogens (0.1%) and cocaine (0.1%).
In the past 12 months, the prevalence of cannabis consumption on a national level was 0.4% and for ecstasy – 0.1%, while in the past 30 days the prevalence of cannabis consumption was 0.1%.
Among 16 year olds, 14.5% used one or several illegal drugs in 2007. Compared to 2003, increases have been registered in the use of all types of illegal drugs except tranquilizers/sedatives (a decrease from 6.6% to 4.1%). In the past 12 months cannabis consumption reached 1.9% while in the past 30 days the values registered were below 1.5%, which spells an increase compared to 2003, according to the report.
In 66% of cases the main drug for which treatment was requested in 2007 remained heroin – 13%, followed by hypnotic or sedative medicine – 11.5%, other substances – 4.6%, cannabis – 1.7%, methadone and other opiates – 1.36%, volatile inhalants, incentives – 1.36%, cocaine – 0.4%, hallucinogens – 0.07%.
Rehab admissions revealed that the age group with the highest amount of drug users is the 25-29 years group, which includes 30% of all users, followed by the 20-24 years category where 27% of consumers are included.
For 35% of drug users the starting age was between 15-19 years, while for 26% started using between the ages of 20 and 24.