About 1,000 Romanians Protest Against Sale Of Hallucinogenic Plants
Protesters displayed banners saying „Why do you hate children? Stop selling death” or „Manufactured happiness must be rendered illegal”.
Protesters called on local authorities to ban shops selling hallucinogenic plants.
Representatives of several institutions will meet on Monday for talks on new measures against the sale and consumption of psychedelic plants and propositions will be presented in Wednesday’s Government meeting. The decision was taken Sunday during a meeting attended by Prime Minister Emil Boc, Interior Minister Traian Igas, Health Minister Cseke Attila, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara and Bucharest prefect Mihai Cristian Atanasoaei.
On February 10, 2010, the Government adopted an emergency decree banning the distribution and sale of 36 hallucinogenic plants and substances. Still, hundreds of youths continued to use psychedelic substances and were admitted to hospital in severe condition. Doctors called on authorities to close down shops selling such products.
According to Romanian MEP Petru Luhan, who has recently called on the European Parliament to ban hallucinogenic plant shops in EU, Romania ranks fourth among EU member states regarding the consumption of psychedelic plants.