Industrial prices in the EU bloc inched up 1.7% in March compared with the year-earlier period, the EU’s statistics office Eurostat said.
Compared with February, Romanian industrial prices were up 0.7% in March. The EU industry price index posted a similar monthly increase.
The highest monthly increases in the EU’s total index were recorded in United Kingdom (+1.7%), Bulgaria and Greece (both +1.3%), Belgium and Lithuania (both +1.1%), while the largest falls were observed in Sweden (-1.7%) and Denmark (-1.2%).
In March compared with the same month the year before, the biggest increases were registered in Greece (+7.9%), the United Kingdom (+5.6%), Denmark and Finland (both +5.5%) and the largest decreases in Latvia (-7.8%), Slovakia (-6.1%) and Germany (-1.7%).
According to the Romanian statistics institute INS, industrial producer prices rose 1% on the month in March and were up 4.5% compared with the year-earlier period.