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Romania March Indus Prod Prices Rise At 6th Fastest Pace In EU

Romanian industrial producer prices rose 4.5% on the year in March, the sixth biggest increase in the European Union, official data showed Tuesday.
Romania March Indus Prod Prices Rise At 6th Fastest Pace In EU
04 mai 2010, 15:51, English

Industrial prices in the EU bloc inched up 1.7% in March compared with the year-earlier period, the EU’s statistics office Eurostat said.

Compared with February, Romanian industrial prices were up 0.7% in March. The EU industry price index posted a similar monthly increase.

The highest monthly increases in the EU’s total index were recorded in United Kingdom (+1.7%), Bulgaria and Greece (both +1.3%), Belgium and Lithuania (both +1.1%), while the largest falls were observed in Sweden (-1.7%) and Denmark (-1.2%).

In March compared with the same month the year before, the biggest increases were registered in Greece (+7.9%), the United Kingdom (+5.6%), Denmark and Finland (both +5.5%) and the largest decreases in Latvia (-7.8%), Slovakia (-6.1%) and Germany (-1.7%).

According to the Romanian statistics institute INS, industrial producer prices rose 1% on the month in March and were up 4.5% compared with the year-earlier period.