Romanian Magistrate Bonuses To Cost State Budget RON48M Monthly
The state budget should provide an estimated RON48 million per month for paying the 50% mental distress bonuses and the 15% confidentiality bonuses to the magistrates in 2009, the Finance Ministry said.
The Romanian Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected the appeals filed by the Finance Ministry and ruled that the ministry must pay the full salary to the legal system staff.
The Supreme Court rejected the appeals of the Finance Ministry and the Court of Accounts against the decisions of the Bucharest Court of Appeals in the complaints filed by the High Council of Magistrates (CSM), by the National Institute of Magistrates (INM) and the National School of Court Clerks (SNG). The judges maintained the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeals to fine finance minister Gheorghe Pogea.
The courts have won since the beginning of July the trials in the Court of Appeals, obliging the Finance Ministry by numerous decision to pay full salaries to the magistrates and the auxiliary personnel in the legal system.
The Bucharest Court of Appeals on July 16 fined minister of Finance Gheorghe Pogea 20% of the gross wage for delaying the payment of wage bonuses to Romanian magistrates.
The conflict between the magistrates and the Executive deepened after the Constitutional Court ruled the granting of bonuses to courts unconstitutional, which led to the suspension of the mental distress bonus worth 50% of the salary.
Supreme Court magistrates refused in August, for the second month, to collect their salaries without the 50% bonus, after the Finance Ministry refused to grant the respective money.