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Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Bill On Domestic Violence

The Romanian Senate Wednesday tacitly adopted a draft law whereby victims of domestic violence can address the court to obtain a provisional restraining order, and the court can compel abusers to stay away from the home they share with the victim.
Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Bill On Domestic Violence
Ioana Tudor
10 nov. 2010, 11:51, English

According to the draft law, which amends Law 217/2003 on preventing and fighting domestic violence, courts can order the temporary eviction of aggressors from their homes.

Abusers will also be compelled to pay damages to the victim and cover costs resulted from medical and social assistance or trial costs.

According to the draft law, judges will also be empowered to take temporary measures regarding teenagers impacted by domestic violence.

The bill will become law if the Chamber of Deputies, which has the final say on the matter, adopts it.