Romanian Labor Min Pushes For Simplified Procedures To Access EU Funds

Publicat: 26 03. 2010, 16:11
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:50

Seitan said he wants eased and transparent access to funds provided via the FSE, adding that Romania could have attracted more funds over the past three years hadn’t it been for stalled procedures.

Seitan also said that the Management Authority for the Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development (AMPOSDRU) has become his top priority, adding he wants to reduce the period for the evaluation of projects and to have people engrossed in such projects well-trained.

The minister pointed out that he has already approved the transfer of ten employees from the Labor Ministry to the Management Authority, in a move to render procedures more efficient, and underscored that the government has approved a decision whereby new jobs will be created within the authorities managing EU funds, including the Management Authority.

Dumitru Costin, head of the National Union Bloc BNS, said the slowdown in the absorption of EU funds was also fueled by certain political decisions, which subsequently triggered job cuts.

„One cannot have only 20 people evaluating 3,000 projects and money cannot be reimbursed in due time when there are only two people handling the job,” said Costin, adding performance cannot be achieved with people who are paid 1,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.0682).

BNS on Friday launched a European project worth over RON18 million meant to provide professional training countrywide for unionists and employers’ associations in view of accessing EU funds, mainly via the ESF.

The project „Access to structural funds for social partners” is worth a total RON18,437,324 and targets to ease the access of social partners to EU funds.