Romanian Senate Adopted Decree Introducing Holiday Tickets

Publicat: 25 03. 2009, 12:40
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:16

The government decree stipulates companies and institutions in the public sector may issue holiday tickets worth RON10, RON20, RON30, RON40 and RON50 and pay the ticket value to affiliated tourism companies after the latter provide their services to employees.

The value of holiday tickets for employees cannot exceed six gross minimum wages per employee. Romania’s minimum gross wage is currently set at 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2924) per month.

Only companies that reported profit for the previous fiscal year are allowed to grant holiday tickets to employees and employers cover the entire value of the tickets. Ticket values are tax deductible.

The law also allows tour operators to charge a fee of up to 10% of the service pack offered to holiday ticket users.

The government estimates about 100,000 people will benefit from holiday tickets this year and the tax deductions for these tickets could lower state budget revenues by RON35,992,800.