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Romanian Foreign Ministry Comes Up With New Proposals On Salaries In System

The Romanian Foreign Ministry came up with new proposals regarding the public sector wage grid on Tuesday, but the Labor Ministry asked that a financial evaluation be carried out by Thursday.
16 iun. 2009, 13:51, English

This was the Foreign Ministry’s third proposal on the wage grid, with hierarchy coefficients set higher than those agreed on by the Labor Ministry.

According to the Foreign Ministry, the ambassador and secretary general with the rank of ambassador should have the highest salaries – 8,040 lei (EUR1=RON4.2306) and RON8,100 respectively.  Of the ministry management positions, the head of office would receive the lowest salary (RON7,080), while the general manager would enjoy RON7,500.

In the case of diplomatic and consular positions, the plenipotentiary minister would earn RON7,740, followed by the adviser minister (RON7,500), diplomatic adviser (RON7,200), consul (RON6,900), deputy consul (RON5,772), third secretary (RON5,400) and consular attaché or agent (RON5,100).

As regards the salaries of specific executive positions, the Foreign Ministry proposed 11.5 as the highest hierarchy coefficient for relations advisors, relations interpreter I and office advisor I. The lowest salary in the Ministry would be that of the courier, between RON2,250 and RON2,880.

Labor Ministry officials asked the Foreign Ministry to conduct a financial analysis of these proposals.

On Monday, the Labor Ministry rejected the wage grid proposals forwarded by Foreign Ministry officials and urged the latter to come up with a new variant by Tuesday. Labor Ministry officials said the Foreign Ministry disregarded their recent recommendations to reduce hierarchy coefficients.

Sources attending the meeting said Foreign Ministry officials proposed a coefficient of 13.5 for ambassadors and a coefficient of 8.85 for deputy consuls, whereas Labor Ministry officials proposed a coefficient of 11.6 for ambassadors and 8.85 for consuls.

Furthermore, the officials of the two ministries also discussed the granting of bonuses, namely, to include the seniority, confidentiality and PhD bonuses in the base salary, and grant separately the bonuses for rare foreign language proficiency, damaging working conditions and stability.