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Thick Fog Seriously Affects Traffic On Romanian Highways, Roads

Road traffic is slow on Romania’s two highways and several national roads countrywide because of the heavy fog that in some areas lowered visibility to less than 50 meters ahead, the Info-traffic Center within the Romanian Police Department informed Monday evening.
Thick Fog Seriously Affects Traffic On Romanian Highways, Roads
14 ian. 2008, 21:33, English
The Center reported that the fog created traffic problems especially in counties like Ilfov, Arges Teleorman, Olt, Prahova, Buzau, Dambovita, Dolj, Gorj, Valcea, Mehedinti, Calarasi, Constanta and Tulcea.
Police officers recommend drivers to stay away from areas affected by heavy fog, lower the speed, maintain distance between vehicles to avoid collisions and constantly adapt speed to traffic conditions.