Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici Quits Romanian Academy Activity

Romanian Academy honorary member Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici quit his activity at the Academy on Tuesday, Academy president Ionel Haiduc told MEDIAFAX.

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Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici Quits Romanian Academy

"Considering the situation, I have decided to end my activity with the Romanian Academy, even though I feel I have not wronged the Academy in any way," Balaceanu-Stolnici wrote.
The Romanian Civic Forum urged the Academy in an open letter late November to lift the membership of Balaceanu-Stolnici and Archbishop Nicolae Corneanu, after they were exposed as collaborators of the former communist secret police.
Balaceanu-Stolnici told the Academy he collaborated with the communist police due to “legal obligations,” which were imposed by his scientific research.
CNSAS, the Romanian authority studying the archives of the former communist police, said in August Balaceanu-Stolnici was a paid collaborator of the secret police. Balaceanu-Stolnici has been an honorary member of the Romanian Academy since 1992.

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