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Capital City Bucharest To Host „B-FIT In The Street” Theater Festival

The "B-FIT in the Street" theater festival reuniting groups from France, Germany, Spain and Italy, will be organized during May 29 – June 1 in Romania’s capital city of Bucharest, Mihaela Paun, director of the Cultural Projects Center of Bucharest mayoralty (ArCuB), told a press conference.
Capital City Bucharest To Host
23 apr. 2008, 16:16, English
The open air theatre festival is the street version of the "B-FIT in the Street" festival, which was first organized last year in Bucharest and will be held every two years in turn with the Shakespeare Festival.
Paun said somebody within French Theater Company Malabar selected the shows to be performed during the festival.
"The selection was made by somebody within Malabar French troupe who is actor, artist and manager altogether, (…) as we have no such group here in Romania. We actually put our all trust in this person.”
Paun stressed Romania has no such groups to perform in the "B-FIT in the Street" Festival.