Constitutional Court To Debate Cabinet Appointments Conflict On December 19

Romania’s Constitutional Court set a December 19 term for a debate on the judicial conflict between the Government and President Klaus Iohannis on the subject of delayed cabinet appointments, court sources told MEDIAFAX.


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Constitutional Court To Debate Cabinet Appointments Conflict On December 19

The December 19 meeting will see the parties defend their points of view on the matter. The deadline for sending opinions was set for Friday, December 13.

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on December 7 that she notified Romania’s Constitutional Court regarding her dispute on cabinet appointments with President Klaus Iohannis, who is delaying the appointment of new transport and development ministers.

“The only uncertain situation at this moment is created by Mr. Iohannis by blocking appointments in two important fields, at the Transport Ministry and Development Ministry. I think political games must stop in this period. We wish to have a successful presidency (of the EU Council, ed.), and this can only be achieved by offering legitimacy to all cabinet minister. That’s why I have notified the Constitutional Court to solve this blockage created by the president,” said Viorica Dancila.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis rejected proposals for the two ministries when the cabinet proposed a government reshuffle in November. After the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) forwarded two other proposals for the offices, Iohannis said that this amounted to “a second reshuffle within a week” and that he will not make a decision until after National Day celebrations on December 1.

On December 5, the head of state said that he was still “analyzing” the new proposals, for Mircea Draghici as transport minister and Lia Olguta Vasilescu as regional development minister.

In the meantime, the two ministers currently in office – Lucian Sova and Paul Stanescu – have both decided to resign at their party’s request, despite the fact that President Iohannis did not sign their dismissal decrees.

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