Romanian Def Min Blames Weapon Heist, Info Leaks On Indiscipline
“The Ministry of National Defense has reconstructed the organization and normative framework required to unfold the activity to fight and prevent regulation infringement. Still, early this year, we have faced very serious events at units of the Major Staff of the Armed Forces and of the Major Staff of the Land Forces, namely the weapon heist in a storage unit and the leaks of classified information,” Stanisoara said at the presentation of the ministry’s activity report for 2008.
However, Stanisoara mentioned the two incidents were not included in the ministry’s report for 2008, but said steps were taken to ensure similar events will not occur again.
Military prosecutors indicted 11 soldiers in the weapon heist that took place at Ciorogarla military base, near capital Bucharest at the beginning of the year.
The soldiers are accused of theft, absence without leave and violation of the weapons and ammo regulations.
In a different case, prosecutors charged Romanian petty-officer Floricel Achim and Bulgarian citizen Marinov Zikolov with treason and espionage for giving away classified information.