Bucharest District 5 Mayor Joins Race For Bucharest Mayoralty
Geoana said the social-democrat leaders and the leaders of the campaign team agreed with the proposal of the party’s Bucharest branch to back Vanghelie in the race for Bucharest mayoralty.
"I think we can say now that Marian Vanghelie is our proposal for Bucharest mayoralty. Our choice stands high chances," Geoana added.
Geoana said he is convinced Vanghelie will reach the second round of elections for the Bucharest mayoralty, but declined to comment on potential partnerships with other parties to ensure electoral support in the second round.
Geoana also said that Dan Tudorache, social-democrat leader of Bucharest district 1, would run for the district 1 mayoralty, Neculai Ontanu will run for district 2, while Vasile Mihalache will run for district 4.
Vanghelie, in his turn, said, after he was designated the party’s candidate for Bucharest mayoralty, that businessmen Alexandru Bittner, Puiu Popoviciu, Costel Constanda, Adrian Petrache and Costica Bobic supposedly attempted to hinder his candidacy.