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Romanian President Warns Ministers About Poor EU Fund Absorption

Romanian President Traian Basescu asked the ministers to think whether they can still be members of the Cabinet after June 30, in case data on the first half of the year indicates poor EU fund absorption and low investments in the fields they manage.
Romanian President Warns Ministers About Poor EU Fund Absorption

The president said the ministers have no excuse for failing to approve projects and release the funds allotted to Romania.

Basescu added that he hopes it will not come to this, but current figures on investments „are not good.” The use of European money might be suspended, unless Romania solves its problems with absorption, he said.

The president mentioned an upcoming report that will reveal how county authorities have handled the EU-funded projects approved by the ministries. He also advocated administrative reorganization, arguing that the current system of counties, in place since 1968, is responsible for inefficiency and corruption.