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Romanian PM Explains The Dismissal of Romanian Consul in Portugal

Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said on Monday, on a Facebook post, why he dismissed the Romanian consul in Portugal and motivated his decision based on the poor assistance provided to the Romanian tourists stuck in Lisbon.
Romanian PM Explains The Dismissal of Romanian Consul in Portugal
Miruna Gaman
28 aug. 2017, 18:59, English

Tudose said that he dismissed the Romanian consul because the consul mismanaged the situation and was unable to provide proper assistance to the tourists. He also said that a consul should protect the interests of his country’s citizens when they are abroad, something that the Romanian consul in Portugal failed to do.

A group of 35 Romanian tourists was stuck in Lisbon after airline TAP Portugal cancelled their Bucharest-bound flight twice without any prior explanation. The tourists will arrive in the Romanian capital on Monday evening and the travel agency through which they had booked their flights has promised to provide them with assistance when they will ask TAP Portugal for compensations.