Romania To Scrap Over 19,000 Jobs In July-October ’09
The most jobs will be scrapped in capital city Bucharest (2,748) and counties Timis (1,976), Arges (1,311), Teleorman (1,113), Gorj (1,108), Brasov (1,084), Sibiu (895), Dolj (843) and Prahova (774).
Of the 184 companies that announced plans to scrap jobs, most are based in Bucharest (20) and counties Sibiu (12), Prahova and Gorj (11 in each of the two counties), Cluj (nine), Brasov, Vrancea, Arges and Timis (eight in each county), Dolj and Galati (seven in each of the two counties).
The most affected sectors will be the manufacturing of machines, devices and equipment where 1,785 people will lose their jobs, followed by leather tanning and finishing (1,543 jobs to be cut), electric equipment manufacturing (1,332 jobs to be scrapped, road vehicle manufacturing (1,277 jobs to be cut), building constructions (1,266 jobs to be cut), forest exploitation (990 jobs to be cut), storage and auxiliary activities for transports (835 jobs to be cut), furniture manufacturing (801 jobs to be cut), manufacturing of other non-metallic products (797 jobs to be cut) and transport vehicle manufacturing (731 jobs to be cut).
Furthermore, companies announced plans to scrap the most jobs in July (12,667), while other 4,584 jobs could be cut in August, 1,938 in September and 20 in October.
In the first half of 2009, the employment agency received notices on the layoff of 117,008 people.