He said European funds for agriculture aid the EU in achieving other objectives, such as access to education, explaining that students from rural areas account for merely 5-10% of the total in Romania.
"Young people in rural areas have limited access to university education, particularly due to very poor living conditions. In this context, the common farming policy in a country like Romania is in fact a component of other EU objectives,” Vosganian said.
He added Romania will emphasize the need to reduce large gaps between rural and urban areas.
Vosganian also said the debate on the European Union’s proposed budget revision overlaps with Romania’s domestic debate for the improvement of fiscal and budget structures. The minister said one of the country’s objectives is to reduce natural and underground economy and to render public spending more efficient.
"We are undergoing an ample process to adjust to the EU statistical and fiscal administration methods. We have also started drafting norms for the establishment of multi-annual budgets,” Vosganian said.