Cosmote Romania To Cut Roaming Tariffs To EC Levels

Mobile operator Cosmote Romania will lower Saturday, August 30, its roaming tariffs to the level imposed by the European Commission. Thus the tariffs for EU outgoing calls will reach EUR0.46/minute, while calls received from EU states will cost EUR0.22/minute, VAT excluded, Cosmote announced.


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Cosmote Romania To Cut Roaming Tariffs To EC Levels

The tariffs currently applied by Cosmote for EU calls reache EUR0.49/minute for outgoing calls, and EUR0.24/minute for incoming calls.

Cosmote subscribers can use roaming services in 291 mobile telephony networks in 150 countries, while prepaid card users have access to 266 networks in 147 countries.

Cosmote Romania, part of Greek mobile telecom group Cosmote, is the third largest mobile telephony operator on the local market, with 4.2 million customers at the end of March.

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