According to the quoted sources, police officers seized several graduation documents from the universities "Hyperion" in Bucharest, "Petrol si Gaze" in Ploiesti, the Ecology Faculty in Bucharest, the "Gheorghe Cristea" Science and Arts University, the "Valahia" University in Targoviste, Universitatea de Vest in Timisoara and the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" police academy.
Several professors at the universities "Alexandru Ghica" and "Europa Ecor" in Alexandria are under investigation for having issued 15,000 fake diplomas. According to police officers, the graduation documents were compiled in several weeks, covering segments such as economy, oil and gas. The universities were undergoing liquidation since 2001.
The coordinator of the counterfeiting ring is Mina Silviu Dobronauteanu, founder and head of the universities "Alexandru Ghica" and "Europa Ecor" in Alexandria.
The counterfeiters had stamps with the insignia of the Ministry of Education and Research.
One counterfeit folder of documents costed between EUR3,000 and EUR3,500. In addition, one of the counterfeiters, Mihaela Cristina Vataman, attended the license exams in the stead of those who did not wish to attend, charging a fee of EUR600.
The Romanian Defense Ministry is investigating, at the request of the National Anticorruption Department (DNA), the granting of academic titles in 2002-2008 at the National Defense University "Carol I", the ministry said in a press release Thursday.
Anticorruption prosecutors required an investigation ever since October 7 last year, but the investigation only started on January 5 this year.
Romanian daily “Ziua” recently reported that dozens of generals and high ranking officers in the Ministry of Defense are in the eye of anticorruption prosecutors over alleged breaches of military rules and the way they achieved academic positions and titles.
At the presentation of the ministry’s 2008 activity report a few days ago, the ministry said its anti-fraud department investigated 52 cases throughout the year and the most notable one regarded irregularities found at the defense university and abuses of a number of generals who got PhDs to become university professors.
Anticorruption prosecutors didn’t make public the names of the generals in question, but according to “Ziua” there at least seven generals in high positions within the ministry, four retired generals and ten high ranking officers.