The Bucharest Military Court on Monday decided to discontinue for a three-month period the 15-year prison sentence of former high-ranking general Mihai Chitac to allow surgical procedures.
Court Releases Romanian Ex-General Chitac To Allow Surgical Procedures
The court banned Chitac from leaving Romania, moving to a new residence without the court’s prior approval, possessing guns and also compelled him to appear in court whenever subpoenaed.
The prosecution on Monday recommended that the military court release Chitac from prison to undergo surgical procedures after doctors ascertained Chitac’s heart diseases.
Chitac’s lawyer, Alice Draghici, said the court must discontinue his sentence to allow surgical procedures, stressing prison conditions are harsh for Chitac who is 80 years old and “wants to live his life."
Chitac, in turn, said, while answering a question of judge Horatiu Filimon, that his health condition obliges him to undergo surgical procedures.
The same court decided Monday that former high-ranking general Victor Athanasie Stanculescu would undergo a new medical examination at the “Mina Minovici” National Forensic Medicine Institute, after Stanculescu’s lawyers requested a new medical checkup.
Moreover, the court is to discuss Stanculescu’s request to have his 15-year prison sentence lifted on medical grounds.
Romania’s Supreme Court decided on November 17 to put off until January 26, 2009 the trial of the appeals of both Stanculescu and Chitac for the annulment of the sentence to 15 years in jail each for their role in killing demonstrators during the 1989 anti-communist revolution.
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