Political sources previously told MEDIAFAX that the Government decided to increase wage quotients for several public servants within the Parliament, namely, the secretaries general and the deputy secretaries general of the two chambers of Parliament.
Thus, the wage quotient for the secretaries general of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, respectively, was increased to 9.25 minimum wages, from the current 8.20 wages, while the wage quotient for the deputy secretaries general of the two chambers was increased to 8.50 minimum wages, from the current 7.20.
The Government also decided to introduce the position of head of department within the Parliament, for which it set a wage quotient of eight minimum wages.
Government spokesperson, Ioana Muntean, stressed that the increase in wage quotients does not target lawmakers.
„The Government did not discuss increasing lawmakers’ salaries. The Government does not plan to increase lawmakers’ salaries and it operated no changes whatsoever to wage quotients targeting lawmakers,” Muntean said.
According to an official document, obtained Saturday by MEDIAFAX, lawmakers’ amendments to the unitary pay law target to increase wage quotients for senators and deputies to the equivalent of 11 minimum wages (compared to the current 9.9 wages), increase the wage quotient for management positions in Parliament and calculate it in ratio with professional ranking, so that the maximum quotient for parliamentary advisers will equal 6.50 wages, while that for a high school graduate public servant will equal 4.25 wages.
Other amendments also target to correlate the wage quotient of the Chamber’s secretary general to the wage quotient of the Government’s secretary general and the deputy secretary general, to further increase them from the current 8.20 minimum wages, to 10.80 wages, and from the current 7.20 minimum wages to 9.80 wages, respectively, as well as to increase wage quotients for public management positions in Parliament.