Bruynseels added that the bank managed to avoid foreclosures for household loans so far, adding that this would be the best for the bank and for the clients.
According to Bruynseels, Romanian clients do not have a proper financial education, adding that most of them consider the bank only as a "loan store".
BCR’s Executive Vice President Martin Skopek said Monday that BCR plans to reschedule 5,000 mortgage or consumer mortgaged loans and 15,000 consumer loans, out of around one million loans granted by the bank on the retail segment.
Skopek, the Vice President in charge with the retail business line, said the lender monitors its clients’ situation, permanently updating the lists of persons with delay-payments.
Generally, a bank loan is rescheduled to allow the client to pay his loan more easily and to increase the money-return probability. The loan reschedule process implies giving the client a grace period to pay the interests or the main loan, rescheduling his debts or renegotiating several reimbursement terms.
BCR has set certain rescheduling conditions, as the period of the payment’s delay or the client’s history in having a habit to postpone paying its installments, Skopek said.