The head of Government told those present at the meeting that he will be brief and direct, that he came to say the Government has the political determination to create the single unitary salary law, namely a single law for all people paid from the state budget.
"I want to eliminate any suspicion of double-play in the Government. There is no disagreement regarding the fact that we need a single law. Those who believe in special laws have no place in the Romanian Government. Secretaries of state who have such views should forget these ideas or leave the room with their resignation in hand. We want a European law," Boc said.
The prime minister added that, together with the labor minister, he met Monday with the representatives of the French and Spanish governments, who said this issue of the single salary law has been solved years back in their countries.
"What the European Union has done years ago, we need to do right now," Boc told union and ministry representatives.
Emil Boc also said the deadline set for the completion of the single salary draft law is June 30 and, even though this is an ample process, those working on this project need to behave like with a law that will be created, not one that is to be pushed back.