Romania PM Says Govt To Make A Top Priority Out Of Infrastructure Next Year

Publicat: 13 11. 2010, 15:48
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 17:07

Boc said the essence of the reform his administration is unfolding is to direct money into development and infrastructure rather than consumption.

„In 2011, infrastructure will be a top priority for the Government for two reasons: it is a major resource for economic growth – which is seen at 1.5% – 2% by the IMF and European Commission – and, on the other hand, without development and infrastructure we won’t have jobs,” Boc said.

He said Romania will not kick the habit of consuming more than it produces unless financial resources are directed into infrastructure, adding the essence of the Government’s reform policy is to direct money into development and infrastructure instead of consumption.

Boc also accused the former government of doubling wages and pensions and fueling consumption instead of using that money to make investments.

„Others sold illusions and we need to come back to earth and offer as much as this country can produce,” Boc said at the opening of a ten-kilometer section of the Transylvania Highway.