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Romanian Government Won’t Amend Law Cutting Revolutionaries’ State Allowance

The Romanian Government will not amend a law that cut state allowances for revolutionaries, the institution said in a press release Tuesday.
Romanian Government Won’t Amend Law Cutting Revolutionaries’ State Allowance

The Government decided at the end of 2011 the state will no longer grant allowances for revolutionaries starting 2012.

The media have disclosed the provisions of a protocol signed recently by the ruling Democratic Liberal Party and representatives of Romanian revolutionaries, though which Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu and secretary of state for revolutionaries George Costin pledged to identify financial sources to pay the state allowance without impacting the state budget for 2012.

The protocol does not refer to any intervention of the Government to this end. It states that revolutionaries will put forward propositions to amend the law on gratitude towards participants in the 1989 anti-communist revolution, a normative act on the rights of revolutionaries.

According to the press, democrat liberals have promised to push the law through parliament with urgency.

According to the protocol, revolutionaries’ propositions will be debated in the Chamber of Deputies’ special committees, whose report will be debated by the lower house’s plenum. A final vote on the amendments will be cast by February 8, 2012, reads the protocol.