"While quarterly growth rates for Bulgarians are at an average 4%, in Romania, huger for consumption has led to hikes of 12% in the first six months of 2007,” the report reads.
The soaring development of modern trade fueled consumption in Romania up to 37% in 2007 from 32% in 2006, while neighboring Bulgaria had only reached 23% last year.
A significant consumption booster in Romania was the expansion of hypermarkets and discount stores, which have reached market shares of 13% and 5%, respectively.
"Despite the blooming development of modern trade, we (Romanians – e.n.) continue to pay significantly higher prices for consumer goods," the report notes.
Prices for the main categories of fast moving consumer goods were last year an average 40% higher in Romania than in Bulgaria, for the analyzed basket of goods, and there are no signs suggesting any narrowing of these gaps.