Romania’s Car Mker Dacia 4-Mos Sales Up 31.1% To 83,917 Units

Publicat: 16 05. 2008, 12:39
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54

Vehicles accounted for a 29.2% hike to 78,816 units in the first four months of 2008, compared with 61,013 units in the same period a year ago, the statement also read.

Light commercial vehicles accounted for a 71.1% hike to 5,101 units in the first four months of 2008, compared with 2,981 units during the same period in 2007.

Automobile Dacia will trade Sandero model as of June, completing the company’s current range of models Logan sedan and Logan MCV.

Renault group reported a 6.9% hike in its sales during the first four months of the year, to 866,332 units.

Vehicles accounted for an 8.5% hike, to 734,314 units in the first four months of 2008, while light commercial vehicles accounted for a 1.1% decrease, to 132,018 units.

The group sells Renault, Dacia and Samsung Motors vehicles, Dacia accounting for the bulk of the group’s sales.