Romanian Hosted NATO Summit, Likely The Largest In NATO History

Publicat: 11 01. 2008, 15:26
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:20
Basescu said he and Scheffer discussed the summit agenda.
"This summit will probably be the largest in the history of NATO. Our goal, as host, as well as that of all other participants, is for this summit to be a success," Basescu said.
The head of state said the summit proposes to find solutions for Afghanistan, for the organization’s enlargement projects, the security of member states, the Black Sea and energy security.
"The basic point of this summit is to progress from the summit in Riga," he said, adding that apart from enlargement, the summit plans to bring countries such as Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro closer to NATO.
"Romania is unreserved in supporting NATO’s enlargement to include Croatia, Macedonia and Albania, and the fact that we need to look closely and try better solutions for Georgia and even Ukraine," Basescu said.
Scheffer said the Bucharest hosted summit will be a “huge event as far as members are concerned, indeed, the biggest NATO summit.”
"I can tell you that I’m going to leave Bucharest tonight with the impression that the preparations are very well on track, indeed. I’m sure that with help from both Brussels, from me, my team, the Romanian team will be in a very good position to organize an excellent summit,” he added.
Referring to the summit agenda, the NATO official assured that there will be “two and a half very full and busy days.”