Dalai Lama’s Visit To Romania Ecumenical, Not Political - Romanian MEP

Dalai Lama’s visit to Romania will be strictly ecumenical, and it will not question the One China principle endorsed by Romanian authorities, Romanian MEP Laszlo Tokes said in a press release Thursday.


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Dalai Lama’s Visit To Romania Ecumenical, Not Political - Romanian MEP

Tokes's press office issued the statement in reply to the Foreign Affairs Ministry's dissociation from the Tibetan leader's visit. Most countries, including the United States, regard the Tibetan spiritual leader's visits as unofficial, said the press release.

Romania acknowledges China's territorial integrity and the sovereignty of its Republic, said Tokes. The Dalai Lama's visit "is not meant to question the One China principle, which Romania acknowledges", he added, as the spiritual leader's visit will be strictly ecumenical, not political.

The Romanian European MP also added that the Dalai Lama is a symbol of human rights and liberties, expressed through his non-violent struggle for democracy. His visit to Romania will set a landmark for cooperation among faiths.

Tokes invited the Dalai Lama to Bucharest during the Dalai Lama's Brussels exile, in December 2008. The visit to Romania has been confirmed for September.

On Tuesday the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry announced that local authorities never invited the Dalai Lama to visit Romania. According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Romania endorses One China, of which Tibet is part. Romanian authorities cannot contact Tibetan representatives outside the Romanian-Chinese diplomatic framework.

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