Dan Nica has requested EC's support for mining regions affected by the Ecological Pact

PSD's eurodeputies delegation's head Dan Nica has requested the support of the European Commission for carrying out sustainable projects for the mining and energy-intensive regions that will be affected by the European Ecological Pact, according to a press release from the party.


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Dan Nica has requested EC's support for mining regions affected by the Ecological Pact

Dan Nica called, at a meeting in Brussels, on Tuesday, with the European Commission's executive vice-president Frans Timmermans to set up a working team to support member states that will have difficulties in achieving the coal-elimination targets by 2030, and climate neutrality by 2050.

"Studies show that Romania must invest annually, starting with 2020, for a decade, 4% of GDP, i.e. 8 billion euros every year, to reach its decarbonisation targets for 2030. I ask you, Mr. Timmermans, that for the member states that will face economic and social problems during the climate transition, create a team within the European Commission, which will support the elaboration and implementation of the plans necessary to meet the proposed targets for 2030 and 2050 respectively", Dan Nica said at the debate with Frans Timmermans, at the EP's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

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