Danube Level In SE Romania Decreases, Galati City No Longer Under Flood Alert

The Danube’s water level in Galati, southeastern Romania, hit 656 centimeters Saturday morning, 21 centimeters less than previously forecast by hydrologists for July 10, and it is unlikely the city will be flooded.


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Danube Level In SE Romania Decreases, Galati City No Longer Under Flood Alert

Rainfall on Friday waterlogged a few streets in a highly populated neighborhood in Galti, which is protected by a 4.5-kilometer makeshift dam, and waters flooded sewers and drains, but affected no home.

According to authorities, the level of the Siret river, eastern Romania, is expected to decrease and there is no flood risk at the moment. On the other hand, the Prut level hit the alert level of 600 centimeters and a commune in Galati county is currently under flood alert.

Authorities have also started the construction of a 500-meter temporary dam along national road 26, which links Galati to the eastern county of Vaslui, to hold waters off.

Romania has been severely hit by floods over the past two weeks, leaving 23 dead and about 18,000 evacuated and hundreds of homes, roads, farmland and pastures damaged.

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