Boc, head of the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), stressed the government managed to curb the effects of the economic crisis, which, in his opinion, is the most important step into the right direction.
According to Boc, the country’s economy saw an upward trend in April and it stands high chances to revive in the second and third quarters.
Boc also mentioned in his speech the stable leu/euro exchange rate in April, the decrease in central bank’s key monetary policy rate, as well as the increase in state budget revenues and foreign investments.
He stressed the government will continue to take measures meant to back investments, the business environment and job creation programs, adding it will also launch a solid program aiming to support the country’s ailing agriculture. Boc said the executive would also support youngsters, by granting state guarantees when purchasing their first home.
Boc urged the attendees to support his party, stressing it is the only party with a concrete and viable program meant to attract European Union funds for Romania.
Moreover, Boc said the democrat liberals’ targets include, among other things, the accession to the Schengen area in 2011, the euro adoption in 2014, the absorption of EU funds and the revival of the country’ economy.