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Romania New Cars Sales Growth Second In EU Under Clunkers Programs

Romania ranks second in the European Union by new car sales this year, overtaken only by the UK, Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Tuesday at the Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry conference in Bucharest.
Romania New Cars Sales Growth Second In EU Under Clunkers Programs
27 apr. 2010, 11:02, English

„Romania is second in the EU by new cars sold in 2010 under national car park renewal programs similar to the one in Romania,” the Environment Ministry said.

According to a statistic of the European Carmakers Association (ACEA), the top three European markets by new car registrations in the first two months of 2010 are Italy, France and Germany, whereas Romania ranks 19th.

He said the country’s clunkers program, unfolded by the ministry, has had a significant contribution in raising the number of new car sales.

„In the first two months of the year, when the clunkers program wasn’t underway, 4,000 new cars were sold in Romania. In the next two months, 12,300 new cars were sold under the clunkers program alone,” Borbely said

In his turn, Prime Minister Emil Boc said he is content with the impact the clunkers program has ion the country’s auto industry, and said the Government will continue to back the industry also by giving state aid and government guarantees.

Government officials and representatives of the auto industry discuss Tuesday the clunkers program, the stage of foreign investments in the industry and its development outlook at the Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry conference, organized by news agency Mediafax and the Romanian Association of Carmakers and Importers (APIA).