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Romanian Deputies Ok Additional RON600 Child Indemnity For Each Baby From Multiple Birth

Romanian deputies adopted Tuesday, with 216 "pros," 2 "cons" and 4 abstentions, a legislative initiative, which stipulates that women who give birth to twins, triplets or multiples will receive for each baby an additional indemnity of 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.1548) starting with the second child.
Romanian Deputies Ok Additional RON600 Child Indemnity For Each Baby From Multiple Birth
19 mai 2009, 14:05, English

The draft law initially stipulated an indemnity of RON800 in case of twins and RON1000 for triplets or multiples.
The Chamber’s labor committee amended the draft law and decided to increase the child indemnity by RON600 for each child delivered in multiple birth, starting with the second child.
Child indemnity, set by the country’s former liberal government at 85% of the average incomes of the last 12 months, was set by the current executive to the equivalent of three average wages, of maximum RON4,000.
The Senate previously voted the act on May 11.