Deloitte C Europe Technology Fast 50 Chart Includes 7 Romanian Cos

Romania ranks fourth, with seven companies, in the Deloitte Central Europe Technology Fast 50 chart, which tracks the evolution of IT company revenues in the 2005-2009 period.


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Deloitte C Europe Technology Fast 50 Chart Includes 7 Romanian Cos

The Romanian companies include TeamNet International (ranked second in the chart), with a growth of 3,120%, Arobs Transilvania Software, ranked 13 (+831%), Crys Computers (new entry, ranked 18, +635%), Fortech (new entry, ranked 19, +629%), Lasting Software (ranked 23, +541%), The Red Point (ranked 26, +510%) and Advantage Software Factory (ranked 41, +301%).

"Romania joined the competition in 2008 and has been improving its representation since, from 6% (with three companies) to 14% (seven companies) today. This places Romania on the 4th position, after Poland (11), Hungary (10) and the Czech Republic (8)," Deloitte notes.

"Overall, the average revenues growth rate reported by the Romanian finalists has dropped slightly from 1,093% last year to 938%, close to the overall average growth rate of 967%. This is the first time that Romania sees a slower growth rate compared to the whole region, which indicates not only that companies must face a difficult environment given the global downturn, but also that they are slowly, yet definitely maturing as an industry," Ahmed Hassan, Audit Partner in Charge and TMT Leader Deloitte Romania.

As in past editions, finalists of the regional chart will be automatically nominated in the Technology Fast 500 EMEA competition, which includes companies from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Last year, Romania had four finalists, double the number in the 2008 edition: TeamNet International (41st), AROBS Transilvania Software (102nd), Lasting Software (360th), and The Red Point (422nd).

Deloitte Central Europe Technology Fast 50 ranks the most dynamic IT companies in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Lithuania.

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