Romanian Parliament Committees Thumb Down Proposed Transport Min

Publicat: 29 10. 2009, 12:39
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:33

Berceanu, a democrat liberal, has previously served as transport minister and is currently transport minister and interim agriculture minister in the country’s outgoing government which lost a confidence vote in Parliament earlier this month.

Berceanu was heard by the Chamber of Deputies’ committees for industry and services, information technology and communication, and economic policy, reform and privatization, and the Senate’s committees for economy, industry and services and for privatization and state assets management.

Parliament committees have so far endorsed the proposed development and tourism minister and the proposed foreign minister, but rejected the propositions for justice, labor, agriculture, finance and environment ministers of the Cabinet formed by Prime Minister-designate Lucian Croitoru.

Hearings of proposed ministers will end Friday and the Parliament will hold the confidence vote for the new government Wednesday, November 4.