Low Gas Pressure At Mediesu Aurit Station – Transgaz Rep

Publicat: 07 01. 2009, 10:33
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:11

Radu Bud, prefect of northern Romanian county of Satu Mare, stated he contacted the representatives of gas companies to make sure household users will not be affected.

All Russian gas supplies to Romania were halted Wednesday morning, after deliveries were cut at Mediesu Aurit gas import station at around GMT0700. Gas supplies via the other gas import station, Isaccea, were cut Tuesday morning.

Romania’s current daily gas consumption is at 61.5 million cubic meters, out of which 33 million cubic meters come from local production, 26 million cubic meters from storage facilities, while 2.5 million cubic meters are imported through Mediesul Aurit gas import station and 4.7 million cubic meters, through Isaccea gas import station.

Romanian Economy Minister Adriean Videanu called an urgent meeting with the representatives of the National Energy Authority ANRE, oil company Petrom, gas pipeline operator Transgaz and gas distributor Distrigaz, for talks on the issue, according to official sources.