PMP proposes to the Parliament to condemn the disinformation campaigns from Russia

Publicat: 16 06. 2020, 13:59
Actualizat: 16 06. 2020, 14:01

„The misinformation orchestrated by the Russian Federation in Romania has reached unacceptable levels. The latest false news in Romanian on health topics, produced in the laboratories of the Kremlin, is one of the most serious and dangerous aggressions against our country after the Cold War. The COVID-19 pandemic is being used today, with boundless cynicism, by Vladimir Putin and his camarilla to amplify divisions, to instill mistrust, to exacerbate the crisis and public concerns, to induce a general picture of chaos in the management of the health crisis, with the associated effects”, wrote, on Tuesday, on Facebook, Eugen Tomac.

He specified that the PMP will propose to the Romanian Parliament to adopt a Declaration for condemning the disinformation campaigns coming from the Russian Federation that maintain „a state of tension in the Romanian society by attacking the Romanian state institutions, but also the European ones”.

„We cannot allow the Kremlin’s propaganda and misinformation to divide and generate enmity” the PMP leader added.