Boc made this statement Thursday evening on public television when asked to comment on the economic data released Thursday by EU’s statistics office Eurostat, which indicate Romania’s budget deficit stood at 8.3% of gross domestic product in 2009.
Boc stressed that Romania met its budget deficit target of 7.3% in 2009 and reminded the budget deficit is calculated differently by the IMF and the EC, respectively.
Romania’s budget deficit stood at 8.3% of GDP in 2009, the eighth biggest gap across the European Union, Eurostat data showed Thursday.
Ireland recorded the largest government deficit in percentage of GDP, of 14.3%, followed by Greece (-13.6%) the United Kingdom (-11.5%), Spain (-11.2%), Portugal (-9.4%), Latvia (-9%), Lithuania (-8.9%), Romania, France (-7.5%) and Poland (-7.1%), EU’s statistics office Eurostat said.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Thursday in Brussels that he is concerned about Romania’s rising budget deficit and highlighted that keeping tight grip on the budget deficit must be put on the front burner.