Romanian Health Ministry Honorific Adviser Dismissed Two Days After Appointment
According to Grigore, after the appointment of Vasile Cepoi to the position of Health Ministry secretary of state and of Andrei Georgescu as deputy secretary of state responsible with the emergency care segment, the team to take care of problems in the emergency care system is complete.
Health Minister Ladislau Ritli appointed Ciuhodaru as honorific adviser Tuesday, after former deputy secretary of state Raed Arafat resigned displeased with the emergency care provisions of the country’s new healthcare bill.
Ciuhodaru said at that time he was asked to contribute to perfecting the draft law.
On Wednesday, he presented Georgescu and Cepoi to Prime Minister Emil Boc, saying the two are part of the team to work on the bill’s provisions on emergency care.
The Government changed the Health Ministry’s organization chart to include a third state secretary, at the request of the health minister, said Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean.
The prime minister signed the decisions appointing Georgescu and Cepoi as deputy secretary of state and secretary of state, respectively. Cepoi will directly coordinate the reform process in the public healthcare system, alongside the minister.
The Health Ministry so far had two positions of state secretary, filled by Adrian Streinu-Cercel and Cristian Irimie.